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Is your authenticity fake?

Updated: Dec 25, 2022

How do you know the difference between being you when you show up and being insincere and posturing?

Are you being authentic?

Are you being authentic? Is that important to you? For many, being authentic is especially important in a world working to have everyone celebrate who they are. Being comfortable in your skin is great. However is that the same as being authentic? What does being authentic imply? It implies that a person is being themselves, that you are getting the real "them". Is that realistic?

We have flaws

Some things to think about as you think about authenticity: If you only present a side of yourself that is always up and never reflects the more human and less than perfect side of things, you might be posturing more than being authentic. Realistically we have flaws and problems, ups and downs, no matter your background or walk of life. If you are striking that balance of being authentic, both your oldest friends will recognize you showing up in the room and your newest acquaintances will be getting the most accurate rendering of who you are.

Boundaries are important

It's om to be authentic and private. It's ok to decide there are things about you that aren't meant for public consumption. It's ok if you change your mind on that from day to day. A good rule of thumb is if you are in room full of new people, and some of your oldest , closest companions wander in and join your conversation, will they be surprised by how you are showing up or would they see what they have always come to see from you.

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